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kind words from our Members

"HottestAbs gave me a total assessment and designed a treatment that accentuated not just my aesthetic strengths but helped identify treatments and products that would enhance the best version of myself."

Christine S.

"Expert and personal advice for a total insight into self-Improvement."

Elaine T.


According to our Life Time Director of Group Training and Pilates, Eduardo Perez, Pilates will also give you flat abs, improve muscle tone and lean muscle mass, and increase range of motion, flexibility and strength without putting stress on the joints.

But if you haven’t tried Pilates yet and you’re already working out, Perez says, Pilates can improve sport performance, reduce your risk of injury, aid in recovery time and build essential core strength. Ideally, you’d get a Pilates workout in 3 times per week, but if you already have a fitness program, 1 or 2 times per week will suffice.

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